06) Red Roses

06 Angela Josephine - Red Roses
Posted by Angela Josephine Category: Stories-and-Lyrics

My Story

‘Red Roses’ is a song that looks at the interplay between the objects of our desire and our happiness. It questions whether the happiness we hope for can be brought to us via these objects. Beauty exists as a contrast to the absence of beauty.  Love as a contrast to the absence of love.  It is my surrender to the paradox that gives the present moment gravitas.

Folk Rock Opera

‘Red Roses’ paints the picture of love story at once intimate and epic. The woman is, at first, lost to herself, but then she is found. Within the story of the song, the woman meets her love. His generous act of giving inspires a spontaneous gesture on her part to relinquish all worldly possessions. She comes to gain the world in giving everything away. There is, however, a price: her lover must sacrifice himself in order that she might live. With this single act, the woman becomes inextricably bound to her love; it is only his physical absence that has permitted her to remain free. At this point in the narrative, the woman has arrived at a moment of trust and surrender. She has surrendered to the value of her circumstance: the dark night.



Red Roses

by angela josephine


you came and you gave

i gave all my treasures away

i was lost and i’m found and i’m thinking

i’m bound to be wound up in you

and i’m wound

up in roses, red roses

sweet roses, blue violets, sweet you

and i’m wound

up in roses, red roses

sweet roses, blue violets, sweet you

you came and you lost

you lost all that life at the cost

i was lost and i’m found and i’m thinking

i’m bound to be wound up in you

and you came and you won

i won all that life now it’s done

i was lost and i’m found and i’m thinking

i’m bound to be wound up in you

and i’m wound

up in roses, red roses

sweet roses, blue violets, sweet you

and i’m wound

up in roses, red roses

sweet roses, blue violets, sweet you

and you take all my troubles

and you lay them out plain

and i’m wagerin’ double

that i’ve no one but myself to blame

and i’m wound

up in roses, red roses

roses, violets, sweet you

and i’m wound

up in roses, red roses

roses, violets, sweet you

and i’m wound

in roses, sweet roses

thorns remind me of you


Enter the experience…

Take the ash and mark your forehead with a sign of all this beautiful life that is yours.